Every Villain Is Lemons

Acronyms are horrible, at least to me they are. Actually they're not all that bad as long as you use them properly. I've always been taught that you need to introduce what it means and then, and only then, are you allowed to use the acronym. (Ex. The National Honor Society (NHS) is... | NHS works to... ) It really irritates me when people don't do this, maybe I'm wrong... but even then it should be done in a way that gives the same effect. 

Based off of Spongebob, I'm completely right... 

In real life speaking it sometimes does bother me as well that people assume that we know what they're talking about when speaking with acronyms. It's not too often that they do, but when they do it sets me off... internally. It's like being out of the loop on a good joke. I would want to ask what they mean but it could put me off as ignorant, and obviously self image is everything so... It's not really but people should realize that sometimes taking the short way and not explaining thoroughly will sometimes leave others in a position in which they need clarification.

I would also apply the same concept to abbreviations. While most people don't usually speak in abbreviations there is still the conflict when it comes to writing. Not everyone can figure out what you mean, myself included, so they have to look it up...

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