
The word "bro" and its variants has been around for quite a while now. I personally use it out of habit everyday. Usually I use it to greet people with a simple, "hey bro/dude/brah/etc." Sometimes by adding inflection you can manipulate the word to reflect your emotions. It's interesting to see its origin of the word as well, and seeing how it just has become a blanket statement for any bro. 

Using these words does sometimes stir something inside of me though. Even though I use them I try hard to avoid it, I just can't help but say it... In terms of using the word "bro" to form new words, that's a bit weird to me. reading the blog post at http://blog.dictionary.com/brocab/ it was the first time seeing that people do this to the extent shown. I did know about bromances and all of that but the fact that they just slap it on to any old word it a bit odd to me. Brogrammer and bronies were mentioned in the post and if I were to have heard that in the real world I would've felt bad knowing I was near these people.
All in all these words have become part of my vocabulary although I do hope to shake them as they sound a bit informal at times. Seeing others use it casually is okay but there's is definitely a limit to everything, including the excessive use and manipulation of words using bro...

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