Dialect Quiz

After taking the dialect quiz, which was interesting, I was given a result that I was halfway okay with. 

Residing in the Midwest I wasn't too upset with Overland Park, Kansas as it's also apart of Midwestern states. The other two seemed a bit far off being on the east coast though. I would think that they have quite distinct dialect from that of ours, mostly judging from the stereotypes that I've encountered. I suppose that some of our dialect is similar and that's mostly due to the stuff that I'm into, as I like to watch older east coast based movies so I pick it up a bit. 

The one showing the most distinctive hold true to what I believe. Seeing as we are from the Midwest we kind of don't have an accent and in the map it shows me the two places where an accent is most prominent, in the East and South. This one I do completely agree with seeing as the concentration of red seems to be heavily focused on the either side of the country.

I was glad to see that when I answered gym shoes for one of the questions our area of Illinois was the only piece highlighted in red. 

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